14 April 2008

I Smell DIVX

Blockbuster bids over $1B for Circuit City


  1. I am very interested on your thoughts and i find this blog very useful. I write a few pieces on my blog about tech. stuff and would love to hear your input.

  2. DIVX... ha, ha! I'd forgotten about that format. It died a quickly deserved death. I remember the uproar it caused among the DVD Internet nerds at the time, me included.

  3. @ross williams I was actually a late dvd adopter (my orig. Xbox was my first DVD player) but I can't imagine anyone the DIVX concept appealed to.

  4. I read somewhere (I think in some finance magazine like Fortune or Money) that there was a possibility that, if this deal went through, both companies would go bankrupt.

    Plus, what does this bring to Blockbuster or Circuit City? You'll be able to rent movies in Circuit City now? That's a killer strategy! (pun intended)
