13 April 2008

OS X Quick Tip

Cmd-Option click a dock icon to hide all other windows. I didn't know this and I use it CONSTANTLY now.


  1. Cheers for the tip!

  2. Right... Actually... In macintosh. You can simply press F11 to do just that... (F12 is to sort out all your windwos.)

  3. Cool tip! The other day I figured out that if you press Ctrl+Alt+ the up arrow (Or down arrow), it will flip the entire image of your monitor upside down. It comes in pretty handy for April Fools' Day, a good prank, or if you just don't want anyone looking at what you are working on. Bad thing, is that it only works on Dell computers. It'd be one heck of a trick to learn for Macs:) Cheers!

  4. @khalfani That activates Expose Cmd-Option click on a dock icon HIDES (Cmd-H) all windows BUT the ones belonging to the application you click on.

    @charlie tango I'll have to remember that!
