09 April 2008

App Engine Revisited

So I still haven't gotten my App Engine invite (sigh) but I've been working with the SDK and I've got a skeleton framework up and running with WebOb and Routes for controller dispatch. I've also put together a simple blogging application. I find the system limited, but limited in a way I think will inspire creativity among those who like to push the boundaries they've been given.

The included WSGI framework is admittedly simple, and I'm personally not that fond of the parts of Django they've managed to shoehorn into the environment so I think I'll be rolling my own framework for all future projects. A sort of Pylons lite, if you will. Routes, Mako (if possible *crosses fingers*, I have "issues" with Django templates) and Googles data store/ORM. I'm still debating the necessity of a session framework like Beaker if I'm going to be using the Users API but it would be nice to have.

Anyway, I hope to get an invite soon (hello? anybody?) but at least I'll be ready when I do. Hopefully this blog will soon be served up from AppEngine!


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