28 April 2008

Drawing Parallels

Picked up Parallels 3 with the MacUpdate bundle. So far I've been very impressed by the stability and surprisingly deep integration it provides. I'd dig on some DirectX 9 (or 10) love but at lease now I can easily test my web pages in IE6. Am I the only one that feels a little "godly" when running an OS in virtualization? It's like crazy, Frankenstein science that defies the rules of nature.


  1. I'm pretty fond of this Frankenstein theme, so I like this metaphor.

  2. Just looking, would love to see some work.

  3. Personally, I've never ran an OS in virtualization. Though, I have considered it, considering I'm a Mac fan and own a laptop with Windows XP installed on it (I hope we're talking about the same virtualization, haha).

    Anyway, I thought I'd leave you a good comment, considering all your other comments are only people "stopping by" (to get hits, of course).

  4. Your blog is very interesting.

  5. Yes I agree that Mac is more better than PC but in our country it is PC that is more prevalent so you have to be part of the crowd.

    nice post you got here ^_^

  6. @derek Thanks for the legitimate comment! Running OSX in a VM from what I know would be very hard and is against the license I believe. However, Running Linux in a VM on Windows or vice-versa is pretty easy and fun for the whole family!

    @aice nice concepts Yeah, Apples foreign market strategies leave something to be desired. I've heard they distribute through third parties for the most part making them very expensive. I use a PC every day and there are good and bad sides to both.

  7. MACS?! Good? N'ah, what you need is a pc running linux, that's the way to go! hehe, something like pclinux OS!

    - Poetry Book

  8. I'd check out VMWare Fusion, Personally I've used both Parallels and VMWare Fusion and find VMWare is more stable and runs alot better than Parallels.

    I've got 6GB ram on a Mac Pro and found Parallels to lockup on quitting or just wont release the memory its sucked down.

    Sometimes upon loading again after quitting it would just lockup with the icon sitting in the dock, unable to remove or force quit.

    I've never had any issues with VMWare at all so far (touch wood)

  9. @james So far I've had a good experience with Parallels 3. I've had no problems with it not releasing memory on quit and it runs Adobe CS3 Win smooth as butter on my iMac (3gb Ram). I really like the way Parallels integrates. I've heard Fusion lags a bit in this regard.

    VMWare has good reputation and if I hadn't pick up Parallels with the MacUpdate bundle I probably would have gone with their product. Choices and competition are a good thing though. Keeps things moving forward.

  10. I can't wait to get a MAC (my next computer for sure).

    Seems quite paradoxical that a Mac running 'windows' software under virtualisation is considered quite 'high tech'
